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Project Rules (16187 visits to this link)
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Community Connection
Telegram — Valhalla-Age (7301 visits to this link)
Telegram — Valhalla-Age: Essence (5159 visits to this link)
Telegram chat (instant messages) (4931 visits to this link)
Telegram — SECOND (3227 visits to this link)
REMASTERED - United server (opened 2019)
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Patchnote (151670 visits to this link)
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Discord (7935 visits to this link)
Promo-page (7366 visits to this link)
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Popular Contributors
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Who's Online 61 Members, 0 Anonymous, 73 Guests (See full list)
- JeffreyGlalo
- TrueSpark
- Disturbing
- Tsar2000
- IamDude
- OWNER228
- Selection
- batsy
- berserk
- Djitols
- Terradave
- alhimiQQ
- FabRyo
- MoriMorz
- Сектант
- Iover
- MaxUpgrader
- iSurok
- KoruT
- Volodya
- Ernisio
- herorift
- exsperement
- Izelor
- f0rest
- SkySly
- altset
- Zakatjizni
- Holy
- EbasherInside
- Mermaid
- Rush54
- Марк Красс
- leav3m3alone
- awesomeqq
- Punish1r
- helloPhobos
- Spermanyamnyam
- Руслан Ветлугин
- iCursed
- Hek
- AJIeqpKa
- Щекодин Артем
- h0LT
- Hesher
- m1t9
- Multak88
- Gron
- geirby
- Вадим
- 8pwSmile
- MozeR
- fr0st1
- DjBonD
- BEERka
- SantanoLive
- HolyRid
- Sick
- 333
Forum Statistics
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