Dear Players!
Valhalla Launcher continues its work and we have prepared for you detailed instructions on all the available functionality of our application.
Do not forget keep Valhalla Launcher up to date and check to updates. In the case when your launcher needs to be updated to the latest version, the necessary notification appears next to the game logo. Just click on the hyperlink and the update will take place automatically within a couple of minutes.
NOTE! Now when you delete the launcher, all the games that were in the launcher folder will also be deleted!
If you have problems starting the installer or launcher:
If the launcher has a black screen, or there are no controls (controls)
1. Remove the launcher from the control panel (Add or Remove Programs > find the launcher there > uninstall) Windows. Do not use Start menu shortcut Uninstall Valhalla Launcher.
2. Delete the launcher folder (leftovers) from the disk completely with all contents.
3. Install .NET 4.7.1 - link
4. Install MV C++ - link
5. Download the installer again
6. Installing the launcher
In case of problems starting the installer (does not download 0%):
1. Install .NET 4.7.1 - link
2. Install MV C++ - link
3. Download the installer again
4. Installing the launcher
If all the above steps do not help when using the launcher, you must enable logs in the program. They are disabled by default. To enable them, in the launcher settings there is a menu item - Enable detailed log, in the Bug Fix Report section.
If all the instructions above do not help, contact user support in your Personal Account
If the launcher does not work at all, and you really need to enter the game, download an alternative installer
It must be placed in the root of the game and run as administrator.
After installing and running Valhalla Launcher, you will be taken to the authorization page.
- If you already have an account, then you can log in and immediately proceed to use the Valhalla Launcher
If you do not have an account - select the line below "Sing up"
You will be transferred to the registration forum, where you must fill in all the relevant fields
- Field 1: Your mail, which will receive confirmation of the registration of the Master Account, and it will also be the login for authorization in the Personal Account on the Site (in the Master Account) and in the Valhalla Launcher
- Field 2: The prefix that must be entered before your login of the first game account on the Master Account
- Field 3: Create a login for the first game account on your Master Account
- Field 4: Think of a password for authorization in the Master Account, and the same password will be correct for entering the first game account on the Master Account.
- Field 5: Repeat the password entered in field 4.
- After filling in all the fields, check the box next to "User Agreement" and click "Register"
- A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you entered in field 1.
- Follow the link and complete the registration
- You can proceed to authorization.
- Upon successful registration, you will receive an email with the data to the mail where you need to verify your account:
- Do not delete this letter! It contains important information that will be useful in the future.
After clicking on the link, you can log in to the launcher:
- Enter the e-mail and password that you specified during registration, and click "Login"
- After 1 entry, your Master Account will be in the list of "Favorites" of Master Accounts, now it can be selected with 1 button.
You are a new user of Valhalla.Age and you have not previously installed the client:
In this case, you need to use the "Install" button
Then choose a folder to install the game. Please note that Valhalla Launcher additionally displays information about the required amount of free space on the installation disk.
- Click "Save" and wait for the complete installation of the game.
You are a Valhalla.Age user and have previously installed the client
You need to specify the path to an already installed client in order for Valhalla Launcher to download the updates.
After successfully installing the game, you will be able to enter it. Valhalla Launcher has an Autologin login feature and proxy server selection. Saving is automatic, Valhalla Launcher remembers frequently used accounts and their settings and offers them first when you log in.
The general settings of Valhalla Launcher open in the main menu on the right, regardless of the game you have chosen:
In general settings, you can:
- Change Master Account password
- Change Language Valhalla Launcher
- Set up update and run Valhalla Launcher
- Customize game installation and download speed
- Reset all settings

Balance replenishment: In Valhalla Launcher, the function is available to replenish the balance of the Master Account without logging in separately to the Personal Account. You need to select the amount, the server and the payment method convenient for you from the drop-down list, then Valhalla Launcher itself will offer payment systems possible for this payment method and redirect you to the payment page.
You can transfer the desired amount per character to the game via Valhalla Launcher, without additional authorization in the Personal Account on the site.
You can create a new game account or enter a bonus code without additional authorization in your Personal Account on the site in a couple of clicks.
При успешной регистрации Вам поступает письмо с данными на почту, где нужно подтвердить аккаунт:
- Не удаляйте это письмо! В нем хранится Важная информация, которая пригодится в будущем.
После перехода по ссылке Вы можете авторизоваться в лаунчере:
- Введите e-mail и пароль, которые указывали при регистрации, и нажимаете "Войти"
- После 1 ввода Ваш Мастер Аккаунт окажется в списке "Избранных" Мастер Аккаунтов, теперь его можно выбирать 1 кнопкой.
Вы новый пользователь Valhalla.Age и у Вас ранее не был установлен клиент:
В этом случае Вам необходимо использовать кнопку "Установить"
Затем выбрать папку для установки игры. Обратите внимание, что Valhalla Launcher дополнительно выводит информацию о необходимом кол-ве свободного места на установочном диске.
- Нажимаете "Сохранить" и ждете полной установки игры.
Вы являетесь пользователем Valhalla.Age и у вас уже был ранее установлен клиент
Вам необходимо указать путь к уже установленному клиенту, чтобы Valhalla Launcher загрузил обновления.
Общие настройки Valhalla Launcher открываются в главном меню справа, вне зависимости от выбранной Вами игры:
В общих настройках можно:
- Изменить пароль Мастер Аккаунта
- Изменить язык Valhalla Launcher
- Настроить обновление и запуск Valhalla Launcher
- Настроить установку игры и скорость скачивания
- Сбросить все настройки

Пополнение баланса: В лаунчере доступна функция пополнить баланс Мастер Аккаунта не авторизуясь отдельно в Личный кабинет. Нужно выбрать сумму, сервер и удобный Вам метод оплаты из выпадающего списка, затем лаунчер сам предложит возможные для этого метода оплаты платежные системы и перенаправит Вас на страницу оплаты.
Вы можете перевести желаемую сумму на персонажа в игру через Valhalla Launcher, без дополнительной авторизации в Личный Кабинет на сайте.
Вы можете создать новый игровой аккаунт или ввести бонус-код без дополнительной авторизации в Личный кабинет на сайте в пару кликов.