Limit for using macro per day:
- Server Remastered NEW - 240 minutes.
- Server Remastered UNT - 60 minutes.
Additional usage time for Premium Account holders:
- Server Remastered NEW - 240 minutes (In total, with a Premium Account, the macro can be turned on for 8 hours).
- Server Remastered UNT - 120 minutes (In total, with a Premium Account, the macro can be turned on for 3 hours).
- Macro is interrupted by any action in window (like standard macro).
- Macro can be looped from panel through RMB.
- The auto macro time is updated every day at 6:30 AM (GMT +3).
Auto macro for window buffer.
- /invite (character nickname)
- /delay (set the time for which you have time to accept the party on the second window from the buffer) 1 is 1 second.
- /Sonata 1
- /Sonata 2
- /Sonata 3
- /Sonata 4
- /Sonata 5
- /Sonata 6
- /leave (window buffer itself leaves the party)
- /attack (will automatically follow you)
/delay 295 (time in seconds after which the buffer will start updating sonatas)
- Thus, we get a non-stop window buff. At the same time, without wasting time switching windows. The macro will do everything for you.
Assist macro for party farming:
- /assist (character nickname)
- /attack (if we deal damage from the hand) or transfer the skill.
- /delay 0 or /delay 1 (needed so that the macro does not lag)
Party farm macro through symbol
- /targettoken1
- /attack (if we deal damage from the hand) or transfer the skill.
/delay 0
- The essence of the macro is that the assistant puts a token, the rest of the characters on the macro beat the monster. The assistant can also put the token on himself and the characters on the macro will approach him (you can change the position in the location).
Macro for characters with skill
Body To Mind:
- /useskill Body To Mind
- /useskill Self Heal
/delay 1
- A simple macro to restore mp without any effort.