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Grand Olympiad





Dear Players!

This topic contains information about the Grand Olympiad on the Remastered New server.


  • The time of the Olympiad is on Friday and Saturday from 16:00 to 23:40 (GMT+3); 
    • At 23:40 (GMT+3) registration closes; 
    • The end of the period and the nomination of heroes on Sunday at 00:00 (GMT+3);
  • The number of available battles - 70 ; 35 on Friday and 35 on Saturday (you can't have 70 battles in one day)
  • Talisman duration increased to 300
  • The first period of the Olympiad will be launched the next week after the start of the New World server
  • Registration for the Olympiad is available for characters of level 56 and those with 2 professions.
  • To start the competition, 20 characters are required.
  • You have 60 seconds to prepare for battle.
  • The duration of the battle is 5 minutes.
  • Teleportation from the arena - 40 seconds.
  • The initial number of character points is 50.
  • The maximum number of points that can be lost/gained per battle is 10.
  • Class battles are disabled.


  • Arena Win:  Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x100 
  • Arena Defeat: Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x50 


Characters who take from 1st to 10th place in their class receive an award for the entire next period of the Olympiad.

  • 1st place:
    • image.png Max HP/MP/CP +500, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x100,000
  • 2nd place:
    • image.png Max HP/MP/CP +500, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x50 000
  • 3rd place: 
    • image.png Max HP/MP/CP +500, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x30 000
  • 4th place: 
    • Oly_4_10_rank.jpg  Max HP/MP/CP +250, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympias x20 000
  • 5th place: 
    • Oly_4_10_rank.jpg Max HP/MP/CP +250, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x10 000
  • 6th-10th place:
    • Oly_4_10_rank.jpg Max HP/MP/CP +250, Weight limit increase +100,000. Passive bonus
    • Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x5 000
  • Exchange of points scored during the Olympiad. 
    • 1 point = Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x200 
    • Exchange condition: More than 50 points for the period and at least 5 fights. 



In total, 70 battles can be held. The player does not have to win, it is enough to participate. Rewards can be obtained for 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 games.
Mission Reward
Play 5 battles

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x250

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х10

Play 8 battles

fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x16

Play 10 battles

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x250

Event_hero_treasure_box_i00_0.jpg Chest of the Olympiad x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х15

Play 12 battles

fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x16

Play 15 battles

fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x16

Play 20 battles

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500

Event_hero_treasure_box_i00_0.jpg Chest of the Olympiad x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х20

Play 30 battles fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x16
Play 40 battles

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Etc treasure box i02 0.jpg Olympiad Premium  Chest x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х20

Play 50 battles fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x16
Play 60 battles

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1500

Etc treasure box i02 0.jpg Olympiad Premium  Chest x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х30

Play 65 battles fake_jewel.jpg Fake Jewelry Fragment x100
You have to win games. 2/5/10/20/35 games for maximum reward.
Mission Reward
Win 2 times

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x200

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х15

Win 5 times

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x300

Event_hero_treasure_box_i00_0.jpg Chest of the Olympiad x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х20

Win 10 times

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Event_hero_treasure_box_i00_0.jpg Chest of the Olympiad x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х30

Win 20 times

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Etc treasure box i02 0.jpg Olympiad Premium  Chest x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х30

Win 35 times

Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1500

Etc treasure box i02 0.jpg Olympiad Premium  Chest x1

r_silver_coin.jpg R-Silver х40



imagedc5660ef372595ca.png Life stone  

mid-life-stone.png Mid grade life stone

high-life-stone.png High grade life stone

top-life-stone.png Top grade life stone

Etc scroll of enchant armor i02 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant armor (С) 

Etc scroll of enchant armor i03 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant armor (B) 

Etc scroll of enchant weapon i02 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant weapon (С)

Etc scroll of enchant weapon i03 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant weapon (В) 

image-3.jpg Scroll: Enchant belt 

image-4.jpg Scroll: Enchant cloak 

292674762d.jpg Scroll: Enchant bracelet

Crystal_Scroll_Cloack.jpg Scroll: Enchant Olf T-shirt

scroll_fake.jpg Scroll: Fake Epic Enchant *new

core.jpg Olympiad Jewelry (for 5 day)

imagedc5660ef372595ca.png Life stone  

mid-life-stone.png Mid grade life stone

high-life-stone.png High grade life stone

top-life-stone.png Top grade life stone

Etc scroll of enchant armor i02 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant armor (С) 

Etc scroll of enchant armor i03 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant armor (B) 

Etc scroll of enchant weapon i02 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant weapon (С)

Etc scroll of enchant weapon i03 0.jpg Scroll: Enchant weapon (В) 

Etc blessed scrl of ench am c i02 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant armor (С) 

Etc scroll of enchant armor i03 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant armor (B)

Etc blessed scrl of ench wp c i02 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant weapon (С)

Etc blessed scrl of ench wp b i03 0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant weapon (В) 

image-3.jpg Scroll: Enchant belt 

image-4.jpg Scroll: Enchant cloak 

292674762d.jpg Scroll: Enchant bracelet

Crystal_Scroll_Cloack.jpg Scroll: Enchant Olf T-shirt

scroll_fake.jpg Scroll: Fake Epic Enchant *new



  • Weapon the bow of hero i00 0.jpg Hero's weapon. The rank of the weapon corresponds to the Head of the server (best A weapons +6 in the third stage). Some weapon effects have been changed (more details under the spoiler):

Changes are highlighted in red . What has been removed has been crossed out.

  • Weapon_the_axe_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Axe 
    • HP +25%
    • MP +30%
    • Shield Block Rate +39%
    • PVP Damage Bonus +5%
    • Reflect Damage 9%
    • Focus +88
    • Сhance of Curse Discord effect on a critical hit
  • Weapon_the_sword_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Blade  
    • HP +25%
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • Shield P.Def. +33%
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Reflect Damage 9%
    • Focus +88
    • on a critical hit the target's P.Def. is dropped by 23% at a 4% chance (MEN resists it)
  • Weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Bow
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Focus +88
    • 7% chance to inflict slow (-50% speed) on a critical hit (MEN resists it)
  • Weapon_the_two_handed_sword_of_hero_i00_ Infinity Cleaver
    • P.Atk. +504 on a critical hit
    • HP +25%
    • CP +50%
    • Focus +88
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Reflect Skills 10% of the time
  • Weapon_the_hammer_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Crusher
    • HP +25%
    • CP +50%
    • Atk. Spd. +7%
    • PVP Damage Bonus +5%
    • Reflect Skill 10%
    • Focus +88
    • 25% chance to stun target on a critical hit (CON resists it)
  • Weapon_the_fist_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Fang
    • HP +25%
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • Evasion +3.15
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Reflect Skill 10%
    • Focus +88
    • 25% chance to stun target on a critical hit (CON resists it)
  • Weapon_the_pole_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Spear
    • HP +25%
    • CP +50%
    • Atk. Spd. +7%
    • Accuracy +4.89
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Reflect Skill 10%
    • Focus +88
    • 10% chance to cancel each buff from target on a critical hit (for comparison, Cancel is 25% but Cancel also relies on M.Atk. vs. M.Def. while this weapon does not)
  • Weapon_the_dualsword_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Wing 
    • HP +25%
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • PVP Damage Bonus +5%
    • Reflect Skill 10%
    • Focus +88
    • 10% chance to inflict Physical Skill Silence on a critical hit (MEN resists it)
  • Weapon_the_dagger_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Stinger 
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • Atk. Spd. +3%
    • MP regen per tick +0.51
    • Critical +220 from behind target
    • Critical damage +10%
    • PVP Damage Bonus +5%
    • Vampiric Rage effect 2%
    • 5% chance to Silence target on a critical hit (MEN resists)
  • Weapon_the_staff_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Scepter
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • M.Atk. +29.67
    • Magic Critical Rate +54%
    • PVP Damage Bonus 5%
    • Magic MP Cost -4%
    • Chance of Magic Cancelation -106
    • 3% chance to full heal target's HP when "good" magic is cast
  • Weapon_the_mace_of_hero_i00_0.jpg Infinity Rod
    • MP +30%
    • CP +50%
    • Casting Spd. +15%
    • MP regen per tick +0.51
    • PVP Damage Bonus +5%
    • 3% chance to full heal target's HP when "good" magic is cast
  • Accessory hero cap i00 0.jpg Wings of Fate Circlet;
  • Heroic Berserker - Heroic Berserker - Hero Bers Hero skills.

Heroic Berserker - Heroic Berserker - Hero Bers Active Skill: Heroic Berserker

  • Level - 56:  Increases Accuracy by 2, P. Def. Atk. at 125, M. Def. Atk. at 125, Atk. Atk. and fast cast spells by 25, run speed by 5, resistance to buff removal by 20, HP recovery skills by 25% and protect against debuffs. It also reduces P. Def. by 6%, M. Def. by 6%, Evasion by 2. Consumes 40 units. Soul Ores. Action time: 2 min. 
  • Level - 66:  Increases Accuracy by 4, P. Def. Atk. at 250, M. Def. Atk. at 250, Atk. Atk. and fast cast spells by 50, run speed by 10, resistance to buff removal by 40, HP recovery skills by 50% and protect against debuffs. It also reduces P. Def. by 12%, M. Def. by 12%, Evasion by 4. Consumes 40 units. Soul Ores. Action time: 2 min. 
  • Level - 76:  Increases Accuracy by 8, P. Def. Atk. at 500, M. Def. Atk. at 500, Speed Atk. and fast cast spells by 100, run speed by 20, resistance to buff removal by 80, HP recovery skills by 100% and protect against debuffs. It also reduces P. Def. by 25%, M. Def. by 25%, Evasion by 8. Consumes 40 HP. Soul Ores. Action time: 2 min.

Heroic Valor - Heroic Dauntless - Valor Active Skill: Heroic Dauntless

  • Level - 56: +400 CP, Resist Cancel +10, Resist Debuff +5. Consumes 80 Power. Spirit Ores. Action time: 2 min. 
  • Level - 66 :  +800 CP, Resist Cancel +20, Resist Debuff +10. Consumes 80 Power. Spirit Ores. Action time: 2 min. 
  • Level - 76:  +1500 CP, Resist Cancel +40, Resist Debuff +20. Consumes 80 Power. Spirit Ores. Action time: 2 min. 

* The skill has been changed relative to previous servers.

Skill0395_0.jpg Miracle of Heroism

  • Level - 56:  P. Def. Def. +1350, M. Def. Def. +1000 buff removal resistance +20, speed +3. Consumes 40 units. Soul Ores. Duration: 10 sec. 
  • Level - 66 : P. Def. Def. +2700, M. Def. Def. +2025 buff removal resistance +40, speed +4. Consumes 40 units. Soul Ores. Duration: 10 sec. 
  • Level - 76 : P. Def. Def. +5400, M. Def. Def. +4050 buff removal resistance +80, speed +5. Consumes 40 units. Soul Ores. Duration: 10 sec. 



You can buy useful items, talismans from the Olympiad Manager.

Products in the shop:

Item Price
Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х7500

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x6000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х55000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x9000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х175000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x24000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х1500000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х40000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x12000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х250000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x18000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х375000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x48000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х3500000

image-4.jpg Blessed Scroll: Cloak Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

image-3.jpg Blessed Scroll: Belt Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

292674762d.jpg Blessed Scroll: Bracelet Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Bracelet Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Belt Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Cloak Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x7000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000


Item Price
Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х3750

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x3000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х27500

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x4500

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х87500

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x12000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х750000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х7500

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x6000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х55000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x9000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х175000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x24000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х1500000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х40000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x12000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х250000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x18000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х375000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x48000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х3500000

image-4.jpg Blessed Scroll: Cloak Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

image-3.jpg Blessed Scroll: Belt Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

292674762d.jpg Blessed Scroll: Bracelet Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Bracelet Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Belt Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Cloak Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000


Item Price
Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x250

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х1875

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i02_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1500

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х13750

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2250

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х43750

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_c_i02_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (С)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x6000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х375000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х3750

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i03_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x3000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х27500

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (B)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x4500

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х87500

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (В)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x12000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х750000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х7500

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x6000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х55000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x9000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х175000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (А)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x24000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х1500000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i05_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х40000

Etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i05_0.jpg Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x12000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х250000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_s_i05_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x18000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х375000

Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05_0.jpg Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x48000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х3500000

image-4.jpg Blessed Scroll: Cloak Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

image-3.jpg Blessed Scroll: Belt Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

292674762d.jpg Blessed Scroll: Bracelet Enchant

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х500000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Bracelet Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Belt Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000

Etc_recipe_green_i00_0.jpg Cloak Recipe (60%)

Scroll_of_verification_i00_0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x20000

Etc_adena_i00_0.jpg Adena х2000000



Talismans in the shop: 

Item Price
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Divine Protection Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x5000
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Protection Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Invisibility Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Healing Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue talisman of magical protection Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Berserker Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Wild Magic Talisman Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Meditation Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000
Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Life Force Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x8000
Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Minimum Clarity Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000
Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x8000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Bandage Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Magical Freedom Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Physical Freedom Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Freedom Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Vocalization Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x2000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Rescue Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i05 0.jpg Black Talisman of Free Speech Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x1000
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman - Speed Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Speed Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Evasion Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Accuracy Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Healling Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Power Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Defence Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Magic Power Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Magic Defence Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Magic Speed Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Attack Speed Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Crit. Defence Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500
Etc talisman i02 0.jpg Yellow Talisman of Crit. Reduction  Scroll of verification i00 0.jpg Symbol of the Olympiad x500



1 stage: 

  • Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Divine Protection - Increases P. Def. when used +1200 and M. Def. def. +900
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Life Force - Restores 50% HP and MP when used
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity- Reduces MP consumption by 50% when used

2 stage: 

  • Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Divine Protection - Increases P. Def. when used +1800 and M. Def. def. +1350
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Life Force - Restores 50% HP and MP when used
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity- Reduces MP consumption by 50% when used

3 stage: 

  • Etc talisman i01 0.jpg Blue Talisman of Divine Protection - Increases P. Def. when used +3600 and M. Def. def. +2700
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Life Force - Restores 100% HP and MP when used
  • Etc talisman i00 0.jpg Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity- Reduces MP consumption by 100% when used

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